“If you don’t have a plan, you become part of somebody else’s plan.”

-Terence McKenna

Planning and Support Visits

It is never too soon to start planning for you or a loved one’s transition into the next stage of existence. The services below are curated to meet your planning and supportive needs during this time of transition – restoring death to its sacred place of beauty, mystery, and celebration of life. 

On occasion, circumstances do not allow for in-person consultations or visits, however, you may still receive the support of a doula. Many of my services are accessible through video conference and telephone such as end-of-life planning, active dying, and death care education, ritual and ceremony planning, energy healing, and breathwork.

*Packages and individual services can be discussed during our discovery call.

My Services

  • Grief fellowship is peer-supported companionship through the journey of grief. Provides a safe space for vulnerable conversations, assistance as you process your loss, as well as energy healing and/or breathwork guidance.

  • Accompanying the dying person during times when they may be alone for a significant part of the day. This also acts as short-term relief for primary caregivers enabling them to take a break, rest, and/or tend to other responsibilities unrelated to the care of their loved one to prevent caregiver burnout.

  • This entails exploring what would bring comfort to you or your loved one by creating a death plan, addressing any worries or issues around dying, education regarding the natural dying process, what to expect, and steps for post-death. Vigil attendance begins with active dying and involves presence at the bedside.

  • Assisting the dying person and their loved ones in creating a plan of care for the body after death. Each plan is tailored to and honors the individual’s beliefs, needs, culture, or rituals with respect to how the body is cared for, the desired funeral/celebration, ceremony, and burial or cremation options.

  • An environmentally safe option for the burial of your loved one. Please visit the FAQ section for a deeper understanding of this service.

  • Caring for your and celebrating your loved one at home is known to provide a deep connection and comfort during the bereavement process. This service is offered as a way to be with your loved one in a personable setting without the limitation of viewing times.